These sandal socks will keep your feet nice and warm while keeping your forefeet free to feel the ground. Use them on frosty winter runs, to help you get out on the cold roads in your barefoot running sandals.
As early as the eighth century B.C. the Greek poet Hesiod instructed contemporaries to wear 'piloi' in their sandals. Piloi were sock-like coverings of the feet and ankles that provided warmth and comfort in the colder seasons. Our Piloi are a modern day performance interpretation of these ancient sandal socks.
The Piloi are made with a circular knitting machine that weaves 3D patterns that mirror the shape of your body. The yarn is a mix of nylon and spandex for a skin-tight fit.
People like using our sandal socks because they help you get out there when it's cold outside. Please note that you can run without covering your feet in winter. Our sandals will provide a layer of isolation so the cold doesn't seep up from the ground. Your feet will get warm after the first kilometers by putting them to use and creating blood flow. This is also due to a process called cold-induced vasodilation.